Why I Write this Blog

My Lists

“Hello World”! Whenever you set up a new blog or website with WordPress, this is how the first post is usually called by default. It was funny to me when I started working with WordPress about a year ago. Almost as if a blog is born into this world. But today I think it is somehow fitting!

Tomorrow – on 1 August 2020 – I finally launch this blog! So it will be brought officially into this world!

You might wonder why there is more than one post then. It seems that I have been posting for a month before the actual launch day. I felt it is not right for my very first readers to launch a blog with only one post. I wanted to offer a bit more than just one post. After all, it is content that makes up a blog interesting besides nice photos of course. And you want to make a good impression! 🙂

Why I write this blog

Starting a blog has been on my to-do list for quite some time. For a long time, I was not sure what approach I wanted to take. What I wanted to write about. But I knew THAT I wanted to write and THAT I wanted to share my thoughts with others.

So I decided to just write about what I am doing, how I pass my free time, and what my passions are. I want to be very honest with you. That’s why I also want to share how pursuing these creative side projects helped me find a better work-life balance.

We will see where the journey of this blog will lead us and what we will come across on the way. Maybe it will lead to the life of a creative entrepreneur for me or for you, my dear readers. 🙂

What I blog about

There are many ideas and concepts that have been forming in my head when I was brainstorming about this blog. Patchwork and quilting of course! Surface pattern design and Islamic geometry. But also creative practice in general and new techniques in sewing, painting, or crafting that I learn on the way.

Who is this blog for

I write for everyone who likes to spend time doing creative things. It does not matter what exactly these creative things are. I am into a lot of different crafty things as I write in my post why I love everything fabric. So if you are a designer, a sewing bee, a quilter, a painter, a knitter, or some other form of creative being – this blog is for you! Also if you are just interested in reading about creativity, you might find one or two blog posts for yourself.

Brainstorming Blog Ideas

How often will I post

Blog posts will go live every Friday afternoon. I will try to keep a variety of topics every month to not bore my quilting or sewing friends with too many drawings. And not bore those who are not into sewing with too much fabric-related stuff.

How will you know about new posts?

If you follow my social media handles you will be notified of new blog posts. You can like Me + My Craftroom on Facebook, follow me on Instagram or Twitter or pin Me + My Craftroom on Pinterest.

Or you can subscribe to my newsletter to receive the latest blog posts at the beginning of each month. If you sign up for the newsletter now, there is a little extra for you. You will receive my 6 top tips for taking part in the #100dayproject successfully. If you don’t know what I am talking about, have a look at the blog post on the project. 🙂

Patchwork Project Detail

My request to you!

And you, dear readers, please take this blog as an opportunity to communicate with me and one another! Please comment on the posts. Send me your ideas and suggestions. Let me know if you come across interesting courses or resources to write about. Or just let me know what you think in general!

So, with this post, this blog wants to say “hello” to the world!

Wish it luck.

May it spark many creative projects, find many nice readers and create an amazing community!

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